
Major Tests You Might Have to Take for DWI in Atlanta Before Being Charged

Major Tests You Might Have to Take for DWI in Atlanta Before Being Charged

During an investigation for DWI in Atlanta, many tests are frequently utilized to determine the amount of alcohol in a person’s system. The tests and procedures can differ depending on the situation and the discretion of law enforcement officers.

Here are a few of the tests you might have to take for DWI in Atlanta before being charged:

  1. Field Sobriety Tests (FSTs)

These tests are often performed on the spot to assist law enforcement personnel in determining the degree of a driver’s intoxication. The Walk-and-Turn, One-Leg Stand, and Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus tests are standardized FSTs accepted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). These examinations measure a driver’s coordination, balance, and ability to stay on task.

  1. Breathalyzer Test

Following a traffic stop, a police officer may perform a preliminary breath test (PBT) using a handheld instrument. A preliminary assessment of a driver’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level is provided by this portable breathalyzer. Although the PBT findings are frequently used to measure impairment, they could not be accepted as proof in court.

  1. Chemical Tests for DWI in Atlanta

A law enforcement officer may request additional chemical tests, typically carried out at a police station or another specified location, if they believe the driver is intoxicated. These tests may involve a breath test using an evidential breathalyzer (such as the Intoxilyzer) or a blood or urine test to check for the presence of drugs in the driver’s system or to assess their blood alcohol content (BAC). If you refuse to take these exams, you could face consequences, including suspending your driver’s license.

  1. Blood Urine Test

In some circumstances, law enforcement may ask for a blood or urine test, notably when suspected of drug impairment. These examinations can find drugs or other substances in your system. Although blood tests are typically more precise and trustworthy, the test will depend on the circumstances and the available resources.

  1. Independent Testing for DWI in Atlanta 

After submitting to the necessary exams in Georgia, you might be eligible to request a licensed professional to conduct an independent test. This is referred to as an additional exam or an independent test. This test must be performed within a reasonable time following your arrest, and you are responsible for making all arrangements and paying for it.

In conclusion, refusing chemical testing (breath, blood, or urine) might result in consequences like license suspension in Georgia. Thus, you must realize you can decline field sobriety or preliminary breath tests.

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