Traffic Laws in Atlanta – What You Need To Know

Basic Traffic Laws You Should Know if You Drive in Atlanta Georgia

It is not enough to have a license and drive at the legal age in Atlanta, Georgia. You need to understand the basic traffic laws in Atalanta Georgia, to avoid being charged with a fine or a more severe sentence. Also, many people drive every day, either to school or the workplace. To reduce the risk of car accidents, individuals need to understand the law governing the passage of people. Breaking these laws does puts the passerby at not only risk but also the driver’s safety.

What are the Most Common Traffic Laws in Georgia?

The traffic laws below are common because they are mostly broken than others. Know these laws, and be free from police harassment.

1. High Speed

Driving at high speed is the most common offense of almost everybody, especially when in a hyper mood. However, the police only care about the collision you could have caused with the high speed and not your feeling of driving crazy.

2. Using Electronic Device

It is unlawful to use an electronic device while driving. This can also come in various forms, so users need to stay away from every device’s state while driving. Some of the typical engagements are:

  • Texting while driving
  • Playing music with a mobile phone
  • Surfing the net while driving
  • Taking pictures
  • and many others.

3. Drunk Driving

Drunk driving is one of the most significant traffic laws in Atalanta Georgia held in high esteem because it leads tobest-atlanta-traffic-court-lawyer several accidents. Hence the phrase “Don’t Drink and Drive” is on major streets in Atlanta, Georgia. Despite these warnings, many people violate the law. This has caused regulatory bodies to apply greater punishments to the offense than ever before.

4. Crossing a Red Light

A yellow traffic light generally means to slow down driving speed. However, many people try to avoid the red light by speeding the accelerator. During the process, there is a likelihood of collision between cars. If both parties are at fault, the law will judge both as supposed. On the other hand, if you collide with another individual’s car entirely based on your negligence, you will solely cover the damages and bear the costs.

What Happens When I Am Charged For Breaking Traffic Laws in Atlanta, Georgia?

Whether guilty of the offense or not, you need to contact an attorney to defend your case as soon as possible. An attorney will gather every incriminating evidence against you while preparing the court case in your favor.


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